Tap into your unconscious mind for mind-blowing success and natural achievement

December 4, 2022 0 Comments

One of the premises of NLP is that you have everything you need to do what you want. Sounds wonderful, until you need to figure out exactly what to do.

It’s like having a huge kitchen and knowing that you have everything you need to prepare a six-course meal. You just have to find the right cookbooks, figure out what all the ingredients are, and how to actually cook them.

It is not an easy task, to say the least. However, you have it all. Which means you have no excuses. You can’t say, “Well, I’d really like to cook that French pie, but I’m missing the thyme.”

Here’s a real-world hack you can do right now to delve into your brain and find the solutions to your most pressing problem. Does not require surgical equipment.

Take one of your problems, problems or questions that you are facing. Put it in the form of a question “How can I…?”.

How can I get more money?

How can I make that girl date me?

How can I find the purpose of my life?

How can I sleep better at night?

Once you have it, you will need to sit down, in a quiet place, with a pen and paper, or with a word processor.

Write that question at the top of your paper.

Then, below, write “award stems”, like this:

I can…

I can…

I can…

Write at least twenty of them, but the more the merrier.

Then just finish them off with whatever comes to your mind. You will find that the first five or ten responses are responses that you have been programmed with. These are the types of responses people give when taking surveys and questionnaires. The kind of answers we think we “should” give. Which means they’re pretty useless.

Once you get past these, you’ll start getting to the good stuff. But you’re not done yet. You will reach a point where your brain will start to feel tired. It’s like you’ve been out for a run for the first time in years, and after a couple of hundred yards your lungs are on fire and you feel like you’re going to drop dead.

Push through the desire to stop. On the other side of this mental exhaustion is pure gold.

You’ll find some of the most insightful ideas and incredibly creative ways to easily solve your problems at the bottom of your sheet.

When you get past your socially programmed conscious mind and into the genius of your unconscious, there is NOTHING you cannot achieve.

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