How to extend your stay and play in a casino

December 1, 2022 0 Comments

If you decided to build a new house, would you start construction without first developing a plan or blueprint? Or would you start a new business without having a business plan? Would you go to war without knowing your enemy and without having a predetermined plan for victory? Well, why do you go to the casino without a plan to win?

Winning is what it’s all about. I’ve never lost money at a casino and felt good about it and if you’re being honest neither have you. I work hard for my money and when I go to the casino I want to know that I have done my best to win. It’s a small consolation when I lose and lose a lot but also win a lot.

Here are some tips for extending your next gambling vacation or day trip to the casino:

plan your trip

Make your visit to a casino more enjoyable by calling ahead and finding out what’s going on at the casino you plan to visit. Ask questions about available complimentary promotions and entertainment options. Are there tickets available for upcoming shows? Find out about eating establishments, when they are open and if they offer any special offers.

Also, never limit yourself to just one casino. Find out if there is a neighboring casino. If so, call them and ask them the same questions. You may want to plan a visit there.

If you plan to visit more than one casino, ask how much nominal play is required at your host casino for your room to be compensated with both casino fees and full compensation (if you don’t know what I mean by this, read Comps 101 or The question game).

count your money

Before you go to a casino, you need to determine how much money you have to spend. Decide how long you plan to stay and divide your money accordingly. If you have $200 and plan to stay for two days, plan to spend $100 per day.

Or if you only plan to stay for several hours, you can divide your money by the number of hours you stay.

Set your stop losses and stick with them.

plan your game

Plan your game based on your budget. The amount of money you have should dictate how much you can bet on a single hand, roll the dice, or spin the wheel. Use common sense and decide this before you leave the house and stick with it.

You should always have a good understanding of the game you are playing if you play board games. Start slow and see if you are hot or cold. If you’re winning, save some for later. If you’re losing, walk away. The tables will be there all night. Don’t try to create a hot streak.
A good slot system should be studied and used if you play slots. Slots pay on trends. Take your time and look for a trend. Observe what is happening around you and make your decisions based on what you are seeing. If you’re winning, save some for later. If you’re losing, walk away. The slot machines will be there all night. Don’t try to start a trend.

take a break

You should have planned other activities when you called the casino earlier. Stick with your plan. Go to a show or eat your meals whenever you plan. Get away from the action and clear your thoughts. If you have friends at the casino, meet them up and get their opinions on what’s going on. My dad always said that two heads are better than one, even if one is a goat’s head.

Plan to bring money home

I’ve been to casinos where every penny I put into the slot was yanked away and I wasn’t smart enough to leave the casino. Don’t be afraid to leave. Many people will not leave a crowded casino because they have just arrived. You are not there to give away your money. You are there to have a good time and losing every penny you have is not having a good time.
Getting out when you’re broke is easy. There is no decision to make, you just leave. On the other hand, it’s hard to head for the gate when you’re winning. In your planning you should always establish a time to go to the room or to go home, win, lose or tie.

If every time you hit a jackpot or have a hot streak at the tables, you save some of your winnings and don’t touch them until you leave the casino, you’ll never have a long ride home.

Establishing a game plan and sticking to it requires a lot of self-discipline, especially in the bright lights and hot action of a casino.

Happy gaming!

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