Z scale trains are so versatile, but not for everyone, why?

July 22, 2023 0 Comments

Welcome to the Z scale, one of the smallest scale model railways in the world of model railways. This scale has a ratio of 1:220, making it the smallest commercially sold model train. If you’re looking for larger designs in a small amount of space, you’ve found the right scale.

There are definitely pros and cons to scaling Z:

1. The good: You can place these designs in almost any space. People even place these designs inside briefcases, guitar cases, and small boxes providing designs that are transportable. This is only possible due to the small proportion that the Z scale has. You can display these designs almost anywhere. Inside your home, you can have a Z-scale design on your coffee table, kitchen table, or mantel. Space is not an issue with the Z scale, so don’t worry about where to place your design as long as it’s protected from dust, pets, little hands, etc.

2. The bad: the scale is small. With a small scale there are some problems and complications. First, the price may be more Z-scale, because the parts require more precise production. Though by saying that, you’ll save money in other ways because your layout will cover a smaller area. The pieces are also very delicate and fragile, so you must be very careful with their arrangement. Second, the parts must be kept out of the reach of children. With tiny locomotives and rolling stock, these layouts can be very dangerous with children around. Also, if you have large, unsteady hands or poor eyesight, you may have trouble with such a small electric train. Finally, with such a small size it can have complications in the operation. Even the smallest amount of dust and particles can alter the smoothness of your train. You need to keep these layouts very clean to ensure that they can perform to their full potential.

Now that you have a few options to weigh in, you can better decide if a Z-scale train would suit your tastes and specifications. They are not for every modeler, but there are tens of thousands who have a special love for them and their miniature size. Remember that they are less popular than the larger scale ones, so don’t get too frustrated if you can’t easily locate materials and parts locally. Just search the net.

So if you decide to look into a Z scale train and layout, you’ll need to know which companies to check out and explore. The two most popular I’ve seen on the internet for the Z scale are the Marklin and the Micro-Train. Both have received good reviews, but it’s all a matter of opinion, of course. So, so that you can develop your own opinion, I will briefly enlighten you on both manufacturers.


Z scale model trains started with the manufacturer Marklin, so naturally they have a bit more popularity. Marklin produces very powerful locomotives for their small size. Marklin also offers battery-powered games, due to the popularity of transporting these little designs from one place to another. These sets may be less powerful than a set with a transformer, so be aware of that if you buy a battery powered set. Marklin offers transformer-powered appliances, so don’t worry about that. Again, Marklin started the Z-scale trend, so they tend to have a larger audience and customers.


The first thing to note about Micro-Trains Line (MTL) is that they only have prototype diesel locomotives. The disadvantage of MTL is that they do not carry steam locomotives. If you are specifically looking for a steam locomotive, you will need to use Marklin or another manufacturer. MTL offers some pretty cool starter sets, so they’re definitely worth looking into. For a reason they are not Marklin and have their own products to offer, so they deserve some of your attention in the Z scale market.

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