Women’s Leadership Lessons

August 4, 2021 0 Comments

By 1979, Britain’s economy was bankrupt and newly elected Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher immediately set to work to privatize all nationalized industries, such as aerospace companies, telephone companies, public services, National Freight. Company and the public housing that was sold to its tenants. He sold all these industries on favorable terms to promote private enterprise. Their goal was to reduce the power of government and promote the rights of people who would own and pay a mortgage on their new properties.

The unions were paralyzing Britain with their intimidation and strikes. Prime Minister Thatcher stood firm against the unions that control the coal and steel industries. Employers and their workforce had struck the right balance. It was no longer necessary for men to join unions.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher believed in putting her “faith in freedom, the free market, limited government, and strong national defense.”

Margaret Roberts Early Family Life and Education

Margaret Hilda Roberts was born in Grantham, England to Alfred and Beatrice Roberts on October 13, 1925. As a child, Margaret Roberts learned about the business of balancing budgets at her parents’ Roberts grocery store in Grantham. Her family lived above the store and she and her older sister were raised to be honest, attend church, help others, and do charity work in their nearby community. Margaret’s father, Alfred Roberts, spoke daily about conservative politics in his home. In Grantham he was a councilor for local politics.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister for 3 terms, 11 1/2 years. When she became Prime Minister, her country was on the brink of financial disaster and with public order problems. Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said at the time: “Unless we change our ways and our direction, our greatness as a nation will soon be a footnote in the history books, a distant memory of an island on the high seas, lost. in the mist of time as Camelot, kindly remembered for his noble past. “

When he left office in 1990, his legacy was a strong economy with a society that was confident in its future.

Leadership principals: As a leader, he believed in working with experts who shared his vision, his plan of action with the common goal of repairing Britain’s economy. The Soviets dubbed Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher the “Iron Lady” “because of the hard line she took against them.” As a leader, he had strength, determination, honesty, integrity, and the courage of his convictions with a passionate belief in the right way to get his country back on track once again.

Romayne Frank’s leader, my mother, started her successful construction and management business from scratch more than 40 years ago on a shoelace budget. She started her construction and real estate management company with her husband, my father, Robert J. Frank, MD.

Leadership principals: Romayne Leader Frank started the new company by surrounding himself with experts who knew the construction business and real estate markets. He listened to his experts and had a vision, an action plan for his new company. My mother had the gift of looking at the earth and seeing its potential. He had the courage of his convictions, honor, integrity and morality which included a code of ethics and a clear and decisive passionate belief in the correct way to conduct his business.

My mother, Romayne Leader Frank, said, “In the construction business, you want to hire a licensed construction contractor, who has reference experience, is insured, has workers’ compensation, and is also insured for time and money.” This means that the work must be completed for a set amount of money and must be completed by a certain date. In construction, you want an all-inclusive turnkey job from a knowledgeable and licensed contractor.

His Legacy: My mother and father, Romayne Leader Frank and Robert J. Frank, MD built dozens of buildings from Oyster Point to J. Clyde Morris Boulevard, in Newport News, Virginia and in Hampton, Virginia, James City County, in Williamsburg, Virginia and the Isle of Wight, VA. Bring new business to the Cities where they built new buildings. They also brought many new jobs and more taxes to these cities.

Romayne Leader Frank’s Family Life and Education

Romayne Leader was born in Detroit, Michigan, the son of Earl David Leader and Mary Chernick Leader, on May 28, 1929. Romayne’s father, Earl D. Leader, worked at the Ford Automobile Company assembling automobiles to study law. After he finished law school, he represented many companies and ran for local political office. Romayne’s mother, Mary Chernick Leader, worked as a secretary at Boroughs Corporation, had a women’s securities club where she taught other women how to study companies and invest in the stock market with little money to develop savings, and helped the Society Braille. Romayne’s parents taught her the value of truth, honesty, hard work, religious faith, and service to others. Her parents talked to her about local politics and taught her about business and finance.

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and businesswomen Romayne Leader Frank were breaking new ground in male-dominated areas of government and business. They both went to law school after getting married at a time when women did not go to law school or work outside the home when they had young children. They both understood the value of a legal education in society to help serve others. They had the courage of their convictions regardless as leaders to never give up on obstacles. With character, honor, integrity, and hard work, they achieved their goals of serving others. As women leaders, they left a legacy for their countries and their children and grandchildren of economic growth and prosperity and the right and honorable way of doing business.

What are the five things you can do to be a world-class leader like Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and businesswoman Romayne Leader Frank?

1) Be a leader who has the courage of your convictions, honor, integrity and morality that includes a code of ethics and a clear and decisive passionate belief in the right way to do business or run your country.

2) As the leader of your country, organization or business surrounds yourself with a “Brain Trust”, competent people who know your business and its markets, share their opinions and have a strong intellectual capacity to help you achieve your goals.

3) Go around the table and listen carefully to your experts. Then make informed decisions.

4) Once the Leader of the country, company or organization CEO knows all the problems to face and has studied them from all angles, the Leader needs to have a vision, an action plan with the objective to be met. Leaders must have a strong belief in serving others.

5) In the construction business, you want to use a construction contractor, who has reference experience, is licensed, insured, has workers’ compensation, and is also insured for time and money. This means that the work must be completed for a set amount of money and must be completed by a certain date. In construction, you want an all-inclusive turnkey job from a skilled contractor. Remember the idea is to keep costs down with excellent workmanship from a licensed and insured contractor with turnkey work and no change orders allowed.

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