Which dog is suitable for apartment life?

April 28, 2022 0 Comments

If you live in a small apartment, this does not mean that you have to give up your love for dogs. Small dogs are great for small spaces, but be careful not to rush into choosing a breed at random. There are certain qualities that are good to keep in mind when looking for a furry companion.

So, let’s see what size of dog is recommended to have in a small apartment. Typically, small dogs can weigh from 2.5 pounds to almost 10. The average weight of a Yorkshire terrier is 1.5 kilograms to 3.2 kilograms, while a Cocker Spaniel can sometimes reach 14 kilograms, but both are considered small dogs.

Another important point to consider is the desire to play. Any dog ​​needs time and space to play. Some dogs are satisfied with a walking routine, while other dogs want more exercise, even in the house. Chihuahuas are not that demanding at this point, but Schnauzer dogs are, because they are full of energy.

You really need a dog with the ability to learn commands. No one likes to warn a poodle when he returns tired from work, so the pup’s ability to learn and obey commands is very important. Teacup Terriers can be easily taught to defecate in the litter box, while Pekingese are more difficult to teach due to their stubborn nature.

The need for care is fundamental when it comes to having a dog. You usually do your bathroom in the mirror every morning, sometimes even half an hour, but ask yourself if you’re really ready to do the same with dogs. Bichoni breed dogs are excellent companions, but they need a lot of care to maintain their beautiful coat. You can take the Maltese dog to a pet groomer with no problem, and when you get it from there it’s good as new and a Pug dog just needs a wash from time to time, because the coat is so short.

Thinking of your neighbors, we can say that they would be eternally grateful if you had taken a calmer dog. Nobody cares if you hear a single bark every morning or evening, but the situation changes when a creature barks and howls constantly, it can drive you crazy. You should know that this feature is not necessarily a breed effect, in most situations dogs need more training to hone their drives.

And the last thing to consider is compatibility with children. If you are a parent, or only from time to time you have some children visiting, it is important that the dog knows how to treat them. Some small dogs are quite temperamental and fussy, so you don’t really know how the dog would react. Dachshunds are playful and have a lot of patience, even in relationships with children.

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