Use of herbs in fantasy writing

July 11, 2023 0 Comments

In medieval times, whether in Europe, China, or elsewhere, the most common medicine came in the form of herbs. Though what was believed to work back then doesn’t always hold up in modern research. An herbalist is a professional trained in herbalism (the use of herbs). A midwife, a woman who cares for pregnant women from the prenatal stage until birth, often used herbs in her craft. An apothecary is one who prepares and sells drugs and medicines, similar to a modern pharmacist.

Medieval folklore vs current research

Folklore surrounds the lore of herbs. Angelica’s fennel and basil were said to protect against witches, and garlic, of course, would keep werewolves and vampires away. In some cultures, basil is associated with scorpions; they feared that scorpions would grow under pots of basil and that smelling the aroma would actually cause scorpions to grow in the brain. However, in Italy, suitors signaled their love by wooing with a sprig of basil in their hair.

Sage was considered the panacea of ​​medieval times and was believed to cure anything from snake bites to mental illness. In truth, it does not help with all problems, but it has many positive properties. Reduces excessive perspiration, helps digestive problems, sore throats, premenstrual cramps, and high blood sugar levels. It also helps prevent depletion of a neurotransmitter in the brain that is crucial for brain function and combined with ginkgo, biloba, and rosemary may help prevent or slow Alzheimer’s.

fantasy purposes

In building your own world, you can choose to use existing herbs or create your own. I prefer a mix. I’ll use common herbs in many cases, but then I’ll make one up if I can’t find one that has the properties I need. You can use the unproven folklore for your inspiration, or go with the proven properties. The most important part, at least in a medieval or fantasy world, is that those who treat the sick believe in the treatment, not whether that treatment is medically correct.

Whether you use real or made-up herbs, you’ll want to take note of where the plant grows, what it looks like, and its medical properties. I keep a table listing the herbs I mention in my book along with their descriptive notes. There are many herbal guides both in book form and online. A search for ‘herbs’ will generate a nice long list. If you go for a realistic approach, you’ll want to check the pages online to make sure it’s not some roleplayer or writer’s list of herbs in their own created worlds.


When thinking of herbal remedies, the first thing that comes to mind is herbal tea. But there are many different treatments for plants and other medicines. The following definitions were taken from their Wikipedia entries.

An ointment is a viscous semi-solid preparation that is used topically on a variety of body surfaces. An ointment may or may not be medicated.

A poultice is a soft, moist mass, often heated and medicated, that is spread on a cloth onto the skin to treat a sore, swollen, or painful part of the body. Poultice should not generally be applied to an open wound, as it can slow the healing process or cause an infection.

An herbal tea, tisane or ptisana is an herbal infusion that is not made from the leaves of the tea bush. (“Real” tea varieties include black, oolong, green, yellow, and white tea.) for a few minutes. The seeds and roots can also be boiled on a stove. The herbal tea is then strained, sweetened if desired, and served.

A potion is a drinkable medicine or poison. Usually related to magic.

A tincture is an alcoholic extract (eg, from an herb) or a solution of a non-volatile substance.

An infusion is a method of preparing herbs in which 1 to 2 teaspoons of the dried herb or 2 to 4 fresh herbs (flowers and berries are substituted) are “infused” or placed in boiling water or oil and then, after about ten minutes, you are tense. Waiting too long before straining results in bitter-tasting herbs. The herb/botanical is then removed from the oil and the oil is used in the many formulas that require short term infused oils.

When looking at descriptions of herbs, the following terms from an herb glossary may help:

Antiseptic: this herb fights and neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and prevents infections

Astringent: This herb has a constricting or binding effect, for example: one that controls bleeding or secretions by clotting proteins on a soft surface

Hemostatic: this herb stops bleeding

Parasiticide: This herb kills parasites and worms.

Tonic: This herb restores, nourishes and supports the entire body; exerts a mild strengthening effect on the body

To use herbs effectively in your fiction, you’ll want to do your own research to decide which ones fit your purpose. Even with a world where all herbs are of your own making, it would benefit you to be familiar with the terms I’ve mentioned.

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