Use consistency when training your dog

October 19, 2022 0 Comments

If you want to train your dog, you must understand that consistency is the key. Most people translate this to mean that they must train their dog daily for long periods of time. They tend to think that they don’t have time to train their dog. However, that is simply not true.

Training is much easier than the average person thinks. Repetition, of course, is the number one principle of dog training, so being able to train your dog at least once a day for a 15-minute session will allow you to train your dog consistently. However, if you have the time to train your dog three times a day, that’s even better. Just remember to keep the sessions short, never more than 15 minutes at a time, otherwise you will lose the dog’s attention.

Some dogs really enjoyed the training and some dogs didn’t. However, I have a secret that really helps those dogs who don’t enjoy training to enjoy a little more. After each training session, do something your dog enjoys for five minutes. For example, if your dog likes to walk, take him for a short walk. If your dog likes to chase a ball, toss it around for five minutes; in fact, you can even rub his belly if it’s something your dog really likes. Simply give your dog something to look forward to after each training session and then he will enjoy the training even more and look forward to it.

As the title implies, consistency is very important, which means that if you don’t want your dog to jump on you, the whole family should do the same. Jumping is simply not allowed. If as a family you decide you don’t want the dog begging at the table, then no one should give the dog over the table. You just don’t want him to confuse the dog by allowing him something one day and not another.

The same theory applies to rides. When you go for a walk, your dog should always be constantly on your left side and not in front of you. If he allows his dog to drag him down the street, he becomes dominant and feels like he is in charge. Your dog should always be by your side, slightly behind you so that you are the master and alpha of the pack.

If you follow these simple ideas, I think you’ll find that your dog will train easily, quickly and be a lot of fun for both of you.

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