Tony Robbins – Personal Power II – Day 23 – How to increase energy

June 21, 2023 0 Comments

day 23

So much written material on how to increase energy. The need is so great. One of the things I’ve learned is that if you don’t have your health and that translates into energy, it’s very difficult to reach your full potential. Energy is the currency of life. If you don’t have it, think about what you’re missing!

The first key to a healthier and more energetic life is to understand and practice be able to breathe. Oxygen it is key to affecting quality of life by fully permeating the system. All your body; every cell in every system is energized by being bathed in oxygen.

Here is an exercise that will help you at this time, to feel more energetic. This is incredible. It’s free and it works fine. Breathing: 4-16-8 The numbers above are simply a ratio and when you’re first starting out, inhaling for 4 counts, holding for 4 or 8, and exhaling for 8 counts is a good place to start. Exhaling twice as often as inhaling helps increase lymphatic circulation. Your lymphatic system has no pump, but its volume is considerably greater than your blood. Exercise and breathing help circulate and remove toxins from your system. If you can do the following, do it:

1). Inhale a deep breath counting to 4.

2). Hold your breath as you count to 16.

3). Exhale to the count of 8.

Repeat this breathing pattern 10 times, 2-3 times a day. The idea is to ventilate, not hyperventilate, so if you feel tingling in your hands and feet, lightheaded, dizzy, breathe more normally until you feel less tingling. As you get better, you can increase the count to 6 on the inhale, hold the count for 24, then exhale for 12, etc.

Make sure you drink enough water, and no, beer doesn’t count, and neither does coffee, tea, or juice. Good quality water is better. Although we have been taught that bottled water is the best, it is the less regulated source of water. If your tap water has fluoride or a lot of chlorine in it, avoid that too. The dangers of fluoride and chlorine will have to be in another post.

Reverse or distilled osmosis is pure water. It may lack the minerals you are looking for, but it would be a safer drink than plastic bottled water or tap water. There are some metropolitan areas where clean water is a priority and where tap water is wonderful. If you are lucky enough to live in such a place, enjoy it!

Next let’s talk about food, of course your parents and doctors tell you to eat more fruits and vegetables. But here’s a new way of looking at food. What you are really looking for are foods that are high in water content. Those are fruits and vegetables, but filtering them differently tends to remove any resistance you may have to constantly eating them. What have you eaten in the last 24 hours?

  • Write down everything you ate.
  • Now, circle all the foods that are high in water.
  • What would be the percentage, 10%, 40%, 60%, more?

Most people don’t eat enough fresh food. Also, most people don’t drink enough water. A large target amount of fresh food is at least 70% more fresh-squeezed juices if you have access.

The amount of water you drink should be determined by how thirsty you are. However, when you are experiencing a lot of stress, drink plenty of water. Being hydrated adjusts the biochemical functioning of your body and has a great effect on your emotional state. Try to reach for a glass of water before reaching for the food.

Did you know that without enough water from water-rich foods, you can get poisoned by their toxins? Not good.

Taking care of your health and taking care of yourself will pay huge dividends in your ability to make the changes necessary to get ahead.

How cool is this? If you’ve been too tired to function, improving your nutrition and health habits could do the trick.


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