This is the perfect half marathon training program for beginners.

May 11, 2023 0 Comments

Any effective beginner half marathon training program must contain a number of aspects. Obviously, you’ll want to know when and how long the runs you need to do, the number and location of your rest days, and also the different types of training methods you should use during your exercise sessions.

However, as a total beginner, your goal is to build strength and stamina in your thighs, heart, and lungs. You have to do this one step at a time, because if you are not used to running, the strain on your joints and muscles can lead to possible injuries and a lot of pain.

I believe that any high-quality running schedule or running program should also train the runner on what they are trying to achieve, how their body should adapt, and why they will need to do the training that they need to do.

Listed below are my top three ideas for fixes you should make before you even start sticking to a beginner half marathon training schedule…

#1- Correct any injuries or health problems before you start.

#2- Get your weight down to a healthy level. You may believe that when you start running, the extra fat will start to fall off, but this is not really the case. If you increase your energy output (running) but also increase your energy intake (the food and drinks you consume), then you will continue to gain weight.

Losing a few pounds before starting your half marathon training is essential because of the pressure you’ll be adding to your joints every time you run. Imagine if you had several pounds less to carry when you run, don’t you imagine it would actually feel less difficult and more comfortable?

It can be a bit like a chicken and egg situation… which came first. Well, that’s a comparable scenario to training for a half marathon, is it better to be in better shape before you start or during? Of course, my advice is to lose several kilos before you start and then continue during the training.

#3- You will want to work your way through the mileage in a steady and structured way. Obviously, getting to the exact point where you can run 13.1 miles without stopping will take time and can seem like a pretty daunting challenge, especially for a novice runner.

When you break the process down into smaller, much more controllable parts, it becomes a much less complicated goal to visualize and achieve.

For example, giving yourself 8 weeks to complete a 5k (which I recommend doing initially) followed by an additional 6-8 weeks to hit the 10k distance (just over 6.2 miles) before hitting the half marathon is in actually the best way. to look at this.

Any excellent beginner half marathon training program will provide a well-balanced running system, but what you really need is the additional knowledge. There’s a lot to learn about how you can get the most out of your running sessions, it’s not just about getting out there and running as much as you can, you’ll find there are much more efficient and successful methods. to be fitter than this.

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