The Thirty Main Acupressure Points Used in Jin Shin Do

July 27, 2022 0 Comments

Jin Shin Do acupressure involves the use of 30 main points. Additional points can be added as the student progresses, but these are the original points that Jin Shin is based on. These points make up the eight “Strange Flows” and include common places of stagnation and blockage in the natural flow of energy in the body. By working on these pressure centers through this pattern of points, the energy can be regulated and controlled. In addition to these areas, there are a number of “Grand Central Canal” points to be included in the thirty pressure point (tsubo) map. These central “tsubos” are easily found at anatomical landmarks.

The best way to know you’re on point is by how it feels. Most of the time they will be places of tightness and tension, creating a hardness to the touch. There is often a spot on the tsubo that feels like a slight indentation or gap that can rest between the tendons and muscle fibers. It is helpful, if you cannot find this depression, to keep the points that seem tighter. An acupuncture point may be a very small area, but the affected area is about the size of a dime. As long as you are in the general area, you will be able to release any energy buildup. Over time, you will develop sensitivity in your fingertips and be able to detect them more accurately. But for now, practice is all you need to think about.

This is a basic thirty-point numbered system of Jin Shin Do points used to guide the student through a set formula. They are numbered consecutively on the front and back of the body, then on the outside of the arms, and then on the inside of the arms. There are 12 tsubos in total on the front of the body, twelve on the back, and 8 on the arms. Remember that the description of each point is bilateral, that is, it is located in the exact place on the other side of the body. Try practicing on yourself first and then with a friend or family member. It’s also helpful to get a chart so you can see where the tsubo points are on the body. Any diagram of the Chinese meridian system will do.

Thirty main treatment points Jin Shin Do:

Start on the left or right side of the body
1) GB 14 – is located on the forehead above the eyebrows. If you draw a straight line up from the center of the pupil, you will find a notch in the forehead, one finger width from the eyebrow. Gently press for about a minute (same goes for all points listed below).
2) ST 3 – Located at the bottom of the curve of the cheekbone, directly down from the center of the eye.
3) ST 13: It is located just below the clavicle in the space between the first and second ribs. Approximately in the middle of the clavicle region.
4) ST 16 – is located in the space between the third and fourth ribs, directly above the nipples
5) LV 14: It is located at the junction of the cartilage of the ninth rib with the eighth rib.
6) SP 13: Located about two finger widths above the middle of the groin, usually along the crease of the thigh paintings.
7) SP 10: It is located about three finger widths above the top of the knee, on the inside of the thigh. It can be easily recognized by the usual sensitivity.
8) SP 9: Located on the inside of the leg, just below the head or top of the tibia.
9) K 6: Located approximately one finger width below the inner ankle bone.
10) SP 4: It is located in the small hollow just below the metatarsal cuneiform joint of the big toe.
11) GB 41 – Located on the outside of the foot, approximately midway between the base of the toes and the front of the outside ankle bone.
12) B 62: It is located just below the outer ankle bone and many become sensitive to pressure.
13) GB 34 – Located below the head or top of the fibula, along the outside of the lower leg.
14) GB 31: It is located just behind the femur and about halfway between the top of the femur and the knee.
15) B48: It is located just outside the top of the sacrum, in the dimples of the buttocks.
16) ST 47 – and the next two points are located on a long muscular band that can be felt along the entire length of the back. Draw a line from the bottom rib to the top of the pelvic bone. And then divide this line in half.
17) B 42 – is located between the ninth and tenth ribs and above the muscle band described above.
18) B38: It is located between the fourth and fifth ribs. Draw a line along the inside of the shoulder blade, then divide this line in half from top to bottom.
19) TW 15 – It is located in the small hollow just above the top of the shoulder blade.
20) GB 21: It is located in the trapezius muscle at the base of the neck.
21) (bonus point) is located midway between the top of the neck and the base of the neck.
22) GB20 – It is located just below the base of the skull, in a small gap between the two muscle bands that you will feel.
23) SI 10: It is located on the back of the shoulder, just below the joint between the arm and the shoulder.
24) Li 14: It is located just below the bulging muscle of the upper arm.
25) LI 11 – is located in front of the elbow joint.
26) TW 5 – is located above the wrist on the outside of the arm. It is located between the two bones of the lower arm and about two finger widths above the wrist.
27) P6 – is located above the wrist on the inside of the arm, in a position similar to number 26
28) P3: it is located in the crease of the internal region of the elbow.
29) P2: It is located on the inner surface of the upper arm, inside the biceps muscle.
30) LU 1: It is located on the outside of the upper chest. It is located below the clavicle and just outside the rib cage at a level about a finger width above the armpit.

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