The Spirit of the Universe and the Olympic Games

May 10, 2023 0 Comments

How do we decide what is right and wrong and why things like the Olympics get so big and powerful that the power created overrides the health of the world? These are questions that have been raised in light of the Zika virus that threatens to have a devastating effect on global health. The facts are that we are all under the control of the Spirit of the Universe and regardless of our personal wishes we are trapped in his plan while the future belongs to him.

How do I know that and why make it a topic of discussion? The answer is simple. My life is, like everyone else’s, part of the plan to end life on earth as we know it. The Spirit has a voice through us and has motivation for the realization of which we are all puppets in his hands.

My reincarnation is proof that few know or understand how we got here or what life is all about. Man-made gods and dreams of heaven and hell are abominations and the end result is ridding the world of corruption. Those who care more about money than the well-being of others are nothing more than the means to destroy it. The end of life as we know it is predicted and is coming to fruition.

The Zika virus points the way to a major global health disaster, but the committee that runs the Olympics has no power to cancel or move them. Because? For the money that has been invested in the venues and programs.

Years of work by athletes who have trained them to be at their best for the games is another matter. They want the competition, their coaches and sponsors want it, and the world is waiting for it. These will spring the trap set by the Spirit that opened the way and warned against it. He also decided who would be the main players, who would attend the games, and who would bring the virus back to their families and home countries afterwards.

With a link to Spirit he showed me the great wall of blind ignorance that prevents the truth from flowing and prevents common sense from being enacted. Committees like the one that controls the Olympic Games and the one that calls itself the World Health Organization cannot and will not change the status quo when it comes to money. That is the trap and it is laid out in the Old Testament prophecies (Jeremiah 11:11,12).

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