The Kingdom Perspective – Justice, Peace and Joy

January 24, 2023 0 Comments

“For the kingdom of God is… of justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, for whoever serves Christ in this way pleases God and receives human approval” -Romans 14:17-18 (TVNV)

Staying in righteousness is the key to a right relationship with God. Peace is the result of correct relationships with people. Joy is the result that we experience internally when we have the two previous things, and the fulfillment of knowing our purpose in life, that is, a correct relationship with oneself.


Not self-righteousness, but righteousness is the key to pleasing God. It provides and is prior to the other two; peace and joy These principles are somehow linked through the Bible.[1] and life. The just must be humble and seek the good no matter what.

It is fair and equitable treatment, justice, righteousness, morality, goodness, virtue, integrity, generosity, almsgiving, and a provision or means of justification. In a word, justice is devotion. And how appropriate! In order to relate correctly with God we would have to be OMG It is not like this?


If our lives are characterized by genuine justice, we would expect peace in all our relationships with others, to the extent that it depends on us.[2] It is cause and effect reasoning. Righteous permeating our lives… peace as a result. Peace with everyone, including God, surely contributes to inner peace. Enter Joy.


Joy is a fun kind of happiness. It does not depend so much on external things as on internal ones. We can, for example, experience joy in suffering. This is a well-known human phenomenon. It’s an ancient Christian tradition in the midst of persecution (remaining joyful), and it’s as relevant today as at any time in history.

However, the joy discussed here is a joy that derives specifically from justice and peace, and from our right relationships with God and people. There is joy, for example, in knowing our purpose and being grounded in our identity.

And these are goals worth striving for: pleasing God; be approved by our peers; and finally, to know the joy of following one’s own path of life.

Copyright © 2009, SJ Wickham. All rights reserved.

recognition to Pastor Neville Stanway who delivered an inspired message that included this theology.


[1] See, for example, Psalm 85:10 and Isaiah 26:1-6.

[2] See Romans 12:18.

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