The development of your one year old

January 9, 2023 0 Comments

The first birthday is always exciting to celebrate. If he is a new father, this event always stays on his mind and he probably can’t wait to invite his family and friends to have fun on this extraordinary occasion.

Day after day, you have watched them grow bigger and smarter. Every time you can reach the next stage of development, you and your spouse enjoy great happiness.

One of the happiest moments of this is when you see them take their first steps on their own. He’ll get into the unspoken emotion just like other parents.

However, some of you may not have experienced this feeling as your one year old baby cannot walk yet. Actually, you shouldn’t worry about this. Each child is unique and develops differently from others.

So what things can babies do when they reach their first year of life? In general, here they are:

1. Take their first steps alone: ​​Once you see them walk, you’ll be amazed at how far they can walk without your guiding hand. Sometimes they tiptoe, and it’s exactly something fun and amazing that you shouldn’t miss. Get a camera to capture the moment!

2. Say ‘Mommy’, ‘Daddy’, ‘Daddy’ – Encourage your babies to talk by always talking too. Most babies can say all three words by the time they are one year old, although they probably don’t understand their meaning yet.

3. Understand simple directions: It’s exciting to see your babies understand what you want them to do. When you say ‘bye-bye’, they will wave their hands and wave bye-bye. Or, when you tell them to look at you or your spouse, for example, “where’s daddy?” they shake their heads and look their daddy in the eye. Of course, you have to stimulate them over and over again so that they recognize which is which.

4. Point to things that interest them: Your babies will point to objects that they like. They will also say ‘ooh’ while aiming, making ‘aim’ precise.

5. Move hands and body rhythmically to the music – some babies start ‘dancing’ between 7 and 10 months of age. Every time they listen to music, especially the ones they love, you will smile to see their hands and body blossom along the melody.

If your babies don’t do the above things, again, don’t worry. They will hit the stage in several weeks or months. Develop the bonds of love between the two of you.

Enjoy the moments that everyone has together with the children. Happy first birthday to your babies!

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