Show self-confidence: stop the voices in your head that tell you that you are nothing

February 18, 2022 0 Comments

Do you believe the lie that comes from the negative voices in your head that tell you that you are nothing? How have these voices influenced your self-confidence? Every time you think about moving on to live your dreams, these voices seem to do their bit and sabotage any progress you try to make to free yourself from them.

You know, you can stop them in the act. You can silence them. You don’t have to keep listening.

Here’s some help you can start applying right now to stop those nagging voices in your head telling you that you’re nothing so you can build and show self-confidence.

Believe you have something valuable to offer

You are not here by accident. You have a purpose to fulfill in your time here on planet earth. And because of this, what you have to offer is valuable: your experiences, your talents, your personality, they all have a place to enrich, not only your life, but also the lives of those around you. When you accept this, you begin to see your own value. Your whole perspective on life and what you do begins to change and your life now has a mission, a purpose, a direction.

As you live from this mindset, you will be able to get past any negative input from the old tapes in your head.

Change the image you see of yourself

When you think of yourself, what comes to mind? Is it positive or are you putting yourself down? Change that image. The image you see in your imagination begins the creative process of your outer expression. To help you create a different image, think about the qualities you would like to manifest in your own life. Now think of someone you know who possesses these qualities. Instead of seeing that person, put yourself in that person’s shoes and see that you are the person with these qualities. Now I own them.

Stop those voices with your affirmations

Use powerful affirmations to respond to the voices in your head. Sometimes you may need to talk because the voices can be very persistent. But when you create affirmations that support your value and back them up, repeating them as many times as necessary, you will find that the voice of your affirmations begins to get louder and louder.

What affirmation can you create right now? Go ahead, write it down. Here’s one: “I am connected to the Great Universal Power, therefore I have value. I am unique. There is no one like me.” That was simple right? Whatever those voices say you can’t do, just change it to yes and say you can.

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