Rice Noodles with Prawns (Prawns) and Asparagus

December 26, 2022 0 Comments

Mother Teresa reportedly said: “It is impossible to walk fast and be unhappy.” All generalizations are a bit suspect, perhaps, well, almost all, anyway :-)! However, Mother Teresa’s words point to a fundamental aspect of our humanity that we tend to overlook: when you feel good in your skin, you simply can’t feel as miserable as you otherwise would.

Mind and body are intimately connected. If one feels halfway good, the other will surely feel better as a result. So while I’m the first to acknowledge my smallness in the grand scheme of things, I’d like to offer my own take on this idea of ​​connection and wellness. “It’s impossible to eat a good Thai green curry and be unhappy.”

When your lips tingle with the joy of Thai chilies and your palate still resonates with the clear, fragrant and harmonious flavors, it’s impossible not to feel a sense of visceral satisfaction.

Serves 3 – 4

225 g/ 8 oz rice noodles

2 tablespoons vegetable oil

2 or 3 garlic cloves

1 green bird chile, seeded and finely chopped

125 g/ 4 oz fine asparagus (heads intact, stems cut into 1 cm/ ½ inch pieces)

1 tablespoon Thai green curry paste

1 lemongrass stem (outer layer removed and finely chopped)

4 kaffir lime leaves, finely chopped

3 tablespoons of Thai fish sauce

2 teaspoons of sugar (palm sugar)

225 g/ 8 oz small shrimp, cooked and peeled (prawns)


Soak the rice noodles in boiling water for the time specified on the package while you prepare the sauce. Drain.

Heat the oil in a wok over high heat. Add the garlic and, as soon as it starts to brown, add the chillies, then the green curry paste, stirring constantly.

When the curry paste starts to smell fragrant, add the asparagus and keep stirring for another minute or two. Once the asparagus turns a brighter green color and begins to soften, add the lime leaves, Thai sauce, and sugar.

Add the prawns and cook, stirring, for a minute or so, until the prawns are heated through and the asparagus is cooked through but still slightly crisp under the teeth.

Now add the noodles and keep turning everything until the noodles are impregnated with all the flavors of the sauce.

Turn it into a serving plate and serve immediately or serve later at room temperature.

This dish is delicious hot and possibly even better the next day at room temperature. If you ever want to curry favor with a loved one by providing them with a delicious lunch box, you’re sure to do so with this noodle dish.

Note: There are different qualities of rice noodles, just like there are different qualities of pasta. If you are lucky enough to have a choice, experiment with different brands until you find one that you particularly like.

(C) 2005 Annie Kaszina

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