Raw foods to lose weight and improve health

December 28, 2022 0 Comments

The first known heart attack was recorded just over 100 years ago. Factory farming of cattle and refining of man-made foods began a little over 100 years ago. Could this possibly have something to do with the nation of obese and unhealthy beings that we are today? We all know it is, but only a handful of us have taken control of our own destiny. It is easy. Eat raw food to lose weight.

Eat raw food for good health. Oh, there are plenty of diet and low calorie foods available for you to microwave. There are also many healthy raw foods available. Do your research. You will find that highly processed foods made to help you lose weight contain ingredients that prevent you from losing weight and also endanger your health. You should eat raw foods to lose weight instead. Again, do your homework. You’ll find that raw foods are packed with the nutrients your body needs to propel you toward a long, healthy life.

The decision to go raw is not some “cold turkey” type of transition. No one expects you to throw out everything in your kitchen and stock up on carrots and celery. In fact, that would be a big mistake. What you want to do is modify your diet so that the transition to raw is more gradual and not a huge shock to your system. Have two raw meals a day and one cooked meal, making lunch your cooked meal. You can be versatile to fit into any social event.

One of your raw meals should include a large salad consisting of many leafy green vegetables. All you want to do is maintain a nutrient-dense diet. Cooked and processed foods offer little to no nutrients. If you have cravings, by all means satisfy those cravings. Just eat a slice of that chocolate cake instead of half the cake. A smaller amount will satisfy those cravings and you will eventually discover that those cravings are mere memories.

The body is in its natural cleansing cycle in the morning and fruit is a cleansing food, so breakfast is a good time to eat some fresh fruit or have a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice. It is best to stick to one type of fruit when you have it for breakfast. A few raw nuts or seeds are good for protein if you are used to eating protein in the morning and feel the need for it.

The transition to raw foods should be made over time. There are people who can wake up one morning, decide to go raw, and never look back. For most of us, the change is not instantaneous; we need time to adjust as we go. One of the most harmful things for our diet and our health is processed foods and processed foods are the first thing we need to eliminate from our diet. Eating raw is going to be a wasted effort if we just recharge our bodies with the poisons we’re trying to get rid of.

Salt is another food that we do not need in our diet. Many publications recommend using sea salt, kosher salt, or other substitutes for regular iodized salt. Salt is still salt and contains sodium chloride. Every pinch of salt you use raises your blood pressure. All of the natural sodium that a person needs can be supplied through nutrient-dense foods.

Sugar is nothing more than pure and refined carbohydrates. If you need a sweetener, try substituting honey or raw dates for the sugar.

A good raw food diet may consist of only 70 to 80 percent raw foods. Remember, if it comes from the earth it is natural and if it is manufactured it is processed and we really want to avoid processed foods. The more raw foods you eat when eating raw foods for weight loss, the better and healthier the results will be.

Getting enough protein shouldn’t be a concern; just know that you’ll get plenty of protein from fresh leafy greens, as well as raw nuts and seeds. If meat and fish are your main sources of protein and you’re having a hard time giving them up, try cutting them down to once or twice a week. Do some research and you may find yourself more inspired to get your protein from raw foods.

Enzymes are necessary for us to digest and assimilate dairy products. Because enzymes are destroyed during the processing and homogenization of dairy products, they build up mucus, create allergies, and cause intestinal and sinus problems. We have always been told that we need products such as milk, cheese and yogurt to get the calcium our bodies need. The truth is that beyond a very young age, our body loses the ability to properly digest dairy products. There are very high amounts of calcium in fresh leafy vegetables and raw seeds and nuts.

Grains like rice, bread, and whole wheat are some foods that are difficult for our bodies to digest in their natural (uncooked) state. Grains will probably be the hardest food for some people to eliminate when eaten raw; especially bread.

Steamed vegetables and hot soups can be hard to give up if you’re a vegetarian or vegan. Converting 70 to 80 percent to raw foods is a phenomenal achievement, so don’t push yourself. Take small steps to reach your ultimate goal.

Converting to a raw food diet is a lifestyle change that can be a devastating experience, so if you are using drugs, alcohol, caffeine, or tobacco, it can be even more difficult. There are plenty of people who can go 100 percent raw and throw away the cigarettes, drugs, coffee, and alcohol all at the same time and be fine. For most of us, the dependencies we’ve formed are a little harder to break, but not to worry. You will find that these dependencies diminish as your body cleanses itself until you find that you no longer need them. Reaching your raw food goal can take anywhere from a few months to a few years.

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