Planning your lockdown days

June 9, 2022 0 Comments

Many of us find ourselves “locked up” at home, with no end date in sight. What at first may have been seen as a short-term opportunity to focus on other areas of our lives has gradually become a source of frustration and stress for many.

And the reality is that maintaining enthusiasm can seem quite aimless and difficult when we have all the time in the world and nothing to occupy us, entertain us or distract us. We may have things we could/should/should be doing, work that needs attention, but as the days merge, it can be hard to even be sure what day it really is, let alone get up, get dressed and plan. do something useful.

Routine is what most of us are familiar with; work with the time pressures of taking the kids to school, commuting to work, shopping, and fitting all of our chores, appointments, and social engagements into our busy days. Routine was what brought order and discipline to our lives with start times, meal breaks, and clarity about what was expected of all of us. But these days there can be a ‘what’s the point’ answer when we have all this time to do very little and our structure and responsibility are gone anyway.

Some people have successfully used lockdown to deep clean their closets, lose weight and learn Mandarin! But for others, even getting up, showering, and getting fully dressed has become a struggle. The television and the delivery man are now your best friends!

Let’s look at ways to shake it up and introduce some reasonable and achievable plans for this next stage of lockdown;

– Accountability can help. Get a friend on board, someone who is on the same wavelength as you, with whom you can communicate regularly, who will encourage and motivate you. When you share your ups and downs, you can support each other and stay on track. Discuss what you personally need, what would realistically work for you, even if the starting point is simply to get up and dress at a certain time or go for a regular walk. Each one is successful in itself. And it’s nice to have someone to share your daily news with.

– Plan what you would like as the end result of the lockdown. You can choose to think big, perhaps looking forward to setting up your own business, finding a new job, losing some weight, running a marathon. Break the larger goals down into smaller parts and detail each of the key steps that make up the puzzle to form the picture of your desired ultimate success.

For example, a new career might require becoming familiar with job specifications, clarification of required skills and experience, a training course, a revised CV, a conversation with the company’s human resources department. Or committing to a marathon may involve gradually increasing fitness levels from walking to running, learning about stretching, proper equipment, and nutrition. Identify the stages so that you are clear about what is involved, but do not get overwhelmed.

Lists work for some people. They enjoy checking off items at the end of each day. It gives them a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Plan your list the night before so it has structure, but be careful not to be too hard on yourself if things don’t go as planned. Accept that unexpected things may come up or tasks may take longer than expected.

– Make sure your plans feel good to you. This is not the time to compete with others, everyone has their own challenges and concerns. Instead, focus on what would be a real result for you. That way, you’re more likely to stay on board. Sometimes competing with yourself can become part of the plan and help you stay focused; Improving your personal best or reaching goals by a certain date could work for you.

– Give each other praise and recognition at every stage of your efforts is a positive component in planning your lockdown days. Instead of just going from one result to the next, give yourself credit, even if you “just” made a phone call or sent an email. Each of these steps leads you in the right direction.

And if you find that your original plan isn’t working well and you need to change, that’s okay. Regroup and update your vision, knowing that all your effort and experience to date have added value to your life. Be kind to yourself and appreciate the challenges overcome and the lessons learned along the way. Planning your lockdown days gives you energy and motivation, the opportunity to make your life more meaningful, and thus rewards you with a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

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