Kitchen cabinets: when inside and outside are equally important

June 18, 2022 0 Comments

As cabinets are used to store things and food, they should also be kept as clean as possible for health reasons. In the following lines we give you some tips to achieve this feat.

First things first: the outside

Sometimes the exterior surface of your cabinets collects a layer of dirt, especially near the handles.

To clean them quickly, mix one part vegetable oil and two parts baking soda. Wet a cloth or sponge and rub the surface. You can also use an old toothbrush for detailed cleaning.

When the inside is more important than what meets the eye

When cleaning the inside of your cabinet, you should empty its contents. It’s like preparing the field.

If your cabinets are not painted, you can mix some mild soap and water in a bucket. Wash down the inside of the cabinet, rubbing a little where necessary, with a cloth or sponge.

Sometimes we keep food and other items in our cabinets and accidents happen. If you have oil spills inside them, rub the surface with the scouring side of your sponge. The same works for stubborn dirt.

Remember that dirt cannot clean dirt, so rinse your sponge or cloth often.
After cleaning them, dry them with a towel and then use a lint-free cloth to give them a final touch.

If your cabinets are actually painted, clean them and test in an almost hidden area to see if your soap and water mixture will remove the paint. If not, do what we suggested above; if you really do, use just water.

If your cabinets are made of metal or vinyl, it’s time to use a spray cleaner instead of the water mix. Spray cabinets, then wipe off residue with a sponge or cloth.

By all means, put the contents of your cabinets back where they belong!

Additional tips!

You can take advantage of the emptiness in your cabinet – replace any torn contact paper, cork, or other cabinet liner. Then put the content in it.

You can even re-wax your cabinets. A deep cleaning usually removes the old wax. Use simple, non-silicone based waxes and polishes. By doing this, you will be sure that no layer of dust will accumulate on your cabinets.

Do you want to share with us some of your experience while cleaning your kitchen? Let us know in our comments section!

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