Information on foot tattoos

April 5, 2022 0 Comments

With the popularity of foot tattoos on the rise, people are constantly wondering about the level of pain, does the ink fade faster, etc. Well, there is good news for some people. People who have foot tattoos simply say that if you take care of them, you shouldn’t experience too much discoloration, prompting you to touch up frequently. These people claim that you should just make sure to put an SPF sunscreen of at least 50 on your tattoo when you are out in the sun and keep it motorized. It is also recommended not to wear socks as often as possible. If you simply follow these tips, your foot tattoo should last as long as any other tattoo.

As for the level of pain when getting a tattoo on your foot, it’s no smarter that it’s going to be a little more painful than anywhere else on your body. However, no one seems to know for sure why foot tattoos hurt a bit more. Perhaps because your foot has a large number of nerve endings and there is no muscle between the skin and the bone. Either way, you should be prepared for it to hurt.

It has also been reported that foot tattoos bleed more than a tattoo that would be done anywhere else on the body. This really isn’t a big deal, just make sure you keep your new tattoo clean. It is also excepted that the healing time of a foot tattoo is 3-5 days, which is not longer than any other tattoo. It is also recommended to try to stay off your feet if possible and try not to wear shoes or socks. So if you’re thinking about getting a foot tattoo, it’s probably best to do it in the warmer months or in the fall when it’s still warm enough to wear flip-flops or sandals.

your tattoo friend


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