In business, social networks do not mean social life

June 11, 2022 0 Comments

Social media management is not a new concept. It is still information management, applied to real-time public communication using social media applications, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, and YouTube, to name a few.

Depending on your goals as a business owner, freelancer, or entrepreneur, this means exercising a combination of public relations, customer relations, customer service, marketing, and promotions, adjusting your actions to fit the current situation. Social media management software like Hootsuite, SeesMic, and TweetDeck was born out of people’s need to control their social media accounts, with tasks ranging from scheduling tweets in a preset order to consolidating multiple accounts under one roof, so on. say it

As with many media tools, the app is only as good as the user’s familiarity with the chosen apps. Y their understanding of the rules of communication. It is not limited to just controlling how information is delivered or shared; there are many important things to consider when you want to send a message. Factors like appropriateness, intent, tone, and audience are vital. For long-term goals like building brand recognition, there’s also establishing trust and accountability with the sum of your interactions.

Consider the following sites: Overhead in New York, Overhead in the Office, and Overhead Everywhere. These websites collect random conversation snippets submitted by their readers. These are stories of people talking over their heads, and YesAt first glance the shared accounts on these sites may be TMI. Excessive sharing. Oops. But these talks weren’t really intended for the general public, even though they were said In public places. They are just snippets of conversations that listeners found funny or remarkable, so they were shared online. The boundaries are very nebulous here.

Now think about email errors where the reply was sent to the wrong person or a private reply was sent to an entire mailing list. Take a minute to shudder as you recall your own mistakes or remember the stories shared by friends.

To maintain a good professional image, you must accept that there are limits to be observed. If you want to protect your boundaries and have them protect you, especially on the Internet, then you need to have a good idea of ​​where yours are drawn and apply them to the fullest.

In a business environment, social networks do not mean social life. The behavior that you exhibit when you are with old friends, for example, cannot be extended to the public environment. If, for example, you said something off, then back off after realizing you were off, but think it’s okay, because “Of course they know what I meant, they know me!” Their friends could, in a conversation, but in the register and online? Casual readers won’t. Just to say something, people can build on that comment and boom, they start something nasty.

“All publicity is good publicity.” During the heyday of television, broadcasting, and publishing, this kind of thinking worked as power was in the hands of the gatekeepers. Now anyone with a smartphone can make a vlog (video blog) post as fast as upload speeds allow. It’s easier to get potentially embarrassing information online, by hook or by crook, and sometimes all it takes is a little spark to ignite a storm of controversy.

If you don’t intend to be a disaster (or crash and burn), you need to design a social media presence that is trusted, respected, and backed by a sustainable system and impeccable communication code of conduct.

“Sharing is showing interest.” The ‘over’ in ‘over-share’ is a good indicator– on, as in ‘too much’. When it comes to communication, there is a line between ‘Enough’ and ‘Too much’. It is the same line that can protect us from misunderstandings, personal attacks and rumours. Information is knowledge, knowledge is power. Be careful who you share your information with.

The rise and development of the Internet made it the communication tool that changed the world. He connected, and continues to connect, more people than anyone ever thought possible in human history, but with all the game changers, there are always negatives attached. As with any tool, users can also handle it for better or worse. There are trolls, troublemakers and just plain mean and willfully ignorant people everywhere.

The same speed that can help convey an important message about Internet use is the same speed that can turn a simple tweet or image into ruinous advertising and spread reputation-destroying rumors rather than information. Here’s a memory exercise to help you see this principle in action: Based on the prompts below, how many of these have you experienced yourself, or had friends experience them, or know of people who have?

  • False attributions, false accounts, information from them, identity theft and online identity theft.
  • Hacking, ‘doxxing’ (spreading someone’s private information, eg real name, address and contact numbers, etc.)
  • Cyberbullying and harassment.

Now take a few minutes to read the following prompts and see what memories, reactions, and plans they trigger on your mind’s movie. Have a pen and paper handy, you’ll need to capture ideas to include in your communication planning:

  • Professional and personal issues.
  • Inappropriate stuff.
  • Unprofessional driver.
  • Communication limits.
  • Private and public sphere.
  • Personal and professional field.
  • ‘Person’ and staff.
  • Think before you say anything.
  • Think before you click.

Watch? When it comes to online communication, you probably have dozens of incidents where things went wrong for various reasons: poor communication skills, miscommunication, lack of awareness of personal (and professional) boundaries, etc. The list is very long, and as technology and people change and adapt, new problems will be added to that list.

You need to define how much of yourself you’re willing to share online and do everything you can to protect the parts of your life you want to keep private. This may or may not conflict with the things you need to do to make your business successful, so you need firm guidelines to help you navigate the conflicts you’ll encounter.

One way to test to make sure your messages aren’t misunderstood is to filter them with these questions: Is it true? Necessary? He is sympathetic? You can also apply the 4 Way Test: 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? 3. Will it generate goodwill and better friendships? 4. Will it be beneficial to all stakeholders?

Being guided by these questions helps define how you behave towards other people, giving you a code of conduct to aspire to, and that includes communication too.

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