How Will Milan Evictions Affect the Lives of Roma Citizens?

February 14, 2023 0 Comments

How Will Milan Evictions Affect

The evictions in Milan, which are happening more and more frequently, have a negative impact on the lives of Roma citizens. They are a clear sign of the lack of housing policies and measures to protect vulnerable populations from market violence.

Sgomberi Milano

They can lead to a lack of affordable housing for Roma and other groups in need of it, such as the elderly or those with disabilities. They also have a negative effect on the quality of life and mental health of those who remain in their homes.

As part of the evictions, many families are being given only temporary shelter, and some are being thrown out into the streets without any support. These families are in a situation of forced homelessness, which is not a legal one.

How Will Milan Evictions Affect the Lives of Roma Citizens?

Moreover, these evictions are also in violation of international human rights law, especially the European Union’s Race Equality Directive 2000/43/EC and Italy’s commitments under that legislation and other applicable international standards.

These evictions are also in violation of the basic rights of these families, who have the right to adequate and reasonable accommodation, including their own private dwellings (Salvatore del Monte, 2007).

In recent years, a large number of Roma people have been forcibly evicted from their homes in a number of cities across Europe. During these evictions, many of these people are forced to leave their families behind and live on the street in an environment where they are often discriminated against.

This is in stark contrast to what is happening in countries such as Norway, which have taken steps to protect these families from eviction by adopting an eviction moratorium.

The city of Oslo has enacted several measures to prevent this from occurring, such as a minimum rent for social housing and a moratorium on evictions until 30 June 2021.

Another country which has adopted these measures is the Netherlands, where rents in social housing are capped at €700 per month and a landlord can only seek eviction if there is a valid reason for it (for example, because the tenant is in default of their rental agreement).

There is an ongoing debate as to whether this is actually working. However, the results of recent studies show that this does not seem to have a significant positive impact on the lives of the people who are left homeless after being evicted from their homes.

There is a need for more research into this area. Taking into account that the problem is not new and has been around for decades, we need to look at the different reasons that have led to this phenomenon and how it affects those living in it. This could help to provide solutions for the problem and better understand its root causes.

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