Heal yourself with tissue salts

April 19, 2023 0 Comments

How does your body heal itself? I guess we all know that our bodies are self-generating and self-repairing mechanisms, but we seem to lose sight of that most of the time. We constantly get messages that we need this pain relief and that medicine. Perhaps what we really need is more information about how our bodies work and what we need to repair the tissues that are causing us problems.

Dr. George Carey, who made an in-depth study of this same subject, lists the main components as oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, lime, iron, potassium, soda, silica, magnesium, etc. (The zodiac and the salts of salvation p twenty-one ). He compares sickness (illness) to a shadow. You can’t erase it, or throw things at it to get rid of it. For a shadow, the cure is light. For the disease, the cure is the nutrient that the affected tissue needs to repair itself. So what we need to know is what nutrient is required by what tissue in order for it to become and stay healthy.

The twelve tissue salts. For each different type of tissue, there are one or more salts involved in the generation, and without them nothing can be repaired properly. I think this means that if we don’t have enough of these important nutrients, then we can eat the best possible diet and still not be able to absorb or utilize enough of the vitamins, enzymes, proteins, and fatty acids necessary for proper function. functioning of our body.

There are twelve tissue salts. They are the main substances found in the ashes of a burned body, whether human or another animal. Each salt has been assigned a number and is often called by its Latin name. I am using the English form, which explains why they are not in alphabetical order, as they are if Latin is used.

number one is Calcium fluoride It strengthens teeth and gives elasticity to muscle tissue and blood vessels. Lack of this salt results in sagging cheeks, varicose veins, piles, and snoring. Many people confuse this salt with sodium fluoride, poison for rats and cockroaches. They are two completely different chemicals.

Salt number two is Calcium phosphate, used as a cement that holds together and strengthens bones and teeth. Deficiency symptoms are weak organs, slow circulation, spasms and cramps accompanied by coldness and numbness. You may also have chilblains, enlarged tonsils, and polyps.

calcium sulfate, number three, clean, heal and purify. Without it, dead cells and other decaying matter clog the blood, damaging and irritating healthy tissue. Catarrh, acne, phlegmons, abscesses and ulcers are some of the signs of deficiency. Since a lack of this salt results in general toxicity, due to dead and decaying matter circulating in your body, I believe this is the first salt to think of if you are feeling unwell.

number four is iron phosphate, which circulates oxygen, strengthens the arteries and veins and gives vitality. It should always be considered as a remedy for any disease, and is especially important for simple anemia, inflammation, high temperatures, rapid pulse, sprains and sprains.

To keep your skin soft and your blood flowing freely, you need enough Potassium chloride, which is salt number five. Without it, you are likely to suffer from soft swollen glands, thick white mucus discharge, chronic rheumatic swelling, coughs, colds, sore throats, tonsillitis and/or bronchitis.

Potassium Phosphate, salt number 6, feed your nerves and your brain. Without enough of it, you are likely to experience nervous headaches and dyspepsia, insomnia, depression, tiredness, low vitality, and a bad mood.

potassium sulfate heals your mucous membranes and the lower layers of your skin. This seventh salt is indicated for sinusitis and rhinitis, yellowish green tongue and mucous discharge, scaly skin, athlete’s foot, brittle nails and lifeless hair.

magnesium phosphate, number eight, is the antispasmodic. Relax and calm. You need it if you suffer from spasms or cramps, throbbing and headaches, spasms, hiccups, whooping cough, and sharp stabs.

number nine, Sodium chloride regulates the moisture level in your organs and tissues. You might expect to be able to use common salt in your system, but this is apparently not the case. It seems that the way common salt is made alters its structure so much that we can’t absorb it or use it properly. You need this salt if you have watery eyes, dry mouth or skin, sneezing, sore nose and throat, hay fever, and unrefreshing sleep.

ten, Sodium phosphate neutralizes acids and controls water absorption. It is present in nerve and brain cells, intercellular fluid, muscles, and blood. Hyperacidity produces rheumatic and digestive disorders. This salt is a good remedy for jaundice, headaches and colic, indigestion from eating fatty foods, and pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joints.

Salt number eleven is Sodium sulfate, which is necessary to eliminate excess water and is necessary for the health of your liver. Regulates the consistency of bile and emulsifies fatty acids in the intestine. This salt is closely involved in the evacuation of oil-based toxins that need to be excreted from your liver and are the normal by-products of your body’s various functions.

Finally, number twelve: silica, a sharp crystal, aids in the progression of substances through tissues, such as in hair, nails, blood, and pus. It also strengthens teeth, bones, and connective tissue. If you lack it, you are more likely to have styes, abscesses, boils, joint pain, distractibility, and difficulty thinking and remembering.

Out on bail. When you take any of these salts, and in particular silica, calcium sulfate, and sodium sulfate, you need to ensure that the toxins they release are removed from your body quickly and effectively. To do this, you need to make sure you eat fat to release bile from your liver. At the same time, you need to eat plenty of insoluble fiber. Thus, you will absorb the bile once it has emulsified the fats, and you will prevent the bile from being reabsorbed by your intestine, which would release the toxins to circulate again through your body.

Where to find supplemental salts

Until recently, the only way to obtain tissue salts was in homeopathic potencies. These work well in minor conditions, but do not seem to have enough salts to produce rapid relief in more serious cases of deficiency. Now, however, ionic liquid forms of tissue salts are available.

As all these salts are major components of our body and we cannot heal without them, it seems to me that whenever you have any illness, mild or severe, these should be your first stop for a suitable remedy.

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