Hate and the world in crisis: what should we expect to happen?

October 29, 2022 0 Comments

There is little doubt now that the world is in chaos. The economy is not the only thing collapsing, as humanity itself is taking a heavy toll. Hate is on the rise as governments feed it. The intolerance of people in general to sympathize with and help those less fortunate is an important part of what we are becoming as a society. The immigration of those fleeing violence and persecution causes the displacement of millions.

This is just the beginning of things to come. When one thing changes, everything changes. Now the murder of desperate homeless people is fast becoming the new norm as governments pass laws making it illegal to feed or offer assistance to them.

People who are different are targeted and that goes for many aspects of their ethnicity. It has nothing to do with their countries of origin as much as the color of their skin, their religious beliefs and their isolation from the general population.

The lies against them are believed by those who do not think for themselves. That’s part of human history and we don’t tend to learn from that. Wars begin at the whim of a dictator who takes the last step to end the presence of foreigners through mass murder and torture. To appreciate that, we only have to look at World War II and the holocaust.

As the massive population of the planet comes into force and everyone seeks their place and success, the lower class will pay a huge price. Demonstrations are growing in size and number as country after country faces civil war within its borders. Hong Kong is an example of how its civilians fight against communism.

Climate change activists around the world are also gaining in numbers and strength, as leaders pass laws to jail them. But others protest the lack of jobs and income in countries like Iran. The people of Yemen and Syria are under extreme pressure from their own governments and outside forces who are killing hundreds of citizens.

Will finish? Can we restore peace? Can we save the planet from environmental disaster? The answer is no! There is no way the opposite of what is happening now will happen. To do that, we would need everyone to think alike and for compassion and reality to kick in. With that in mind, the agitation should and will get worse. Hate and lies are already in command and leaders are victims of our time as much as anyone.

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