Free space

September 10, 2022 0 Comments

What do you do with that extra room in the house? The one that has no real purpose except to collect things? Or you may have a room or two empty when the last of the kids have moved out or gone to school. We ended up with a lot of remnants of their lives, but no children. This room becomes a sanctuary with no real purpose or a place to collect all the things we don’t know where to put.

We are often full of things from adult children left behind when they settle elsewhere on their own. They like having the extra free storage space in their parents’ house or they just don’t want to make any decisions about what to do with their stuff. So your stuff takes up a lot of precious space, even though the stuff isn’t that valuable to anyone anymore.

What to do with a spare room:

1. Dispose of the garbage: Don’t waste that spare room with a buildup of garbage. It won’t go away on its own. Make a plan to clean up clutter and distribute assets to people who can best use them. The square footage of your home is too valuable not to use.

2. Guest Room – Create a spa-like retreat for your guests. Include reading materials and handouts for local activities. Have a few hotel-type amenities ready to go in a decorative basket so they feel welcome, knowing you’ve thought of their needs.

3. Craft or hobby room: You finally have a place to do your scrapbooking, sewing or painting! Let this room be your private study where creativity flows.

4. Gifts: Have a room just for gifts. Keep ribbons, gift bags, tags, and wrapping paper in the room along with any pre-purchased gift items. Don’t forget the scissors and tape. So whenever you need a gift, it will be a breeze to put one together.

5. Workout Room: This doesn’t mean you have to have all the big equipment you find in a gym, but if the area is designated as a workout space, you’re more likely to get your yoga, palates, and strength training done. Clear the room and put your yoga mat, weights, TV, audio equipment and exercise DVD in it.

6. Home Office: Instead of letting paper pile up on the coffee table or kitchen counter, set up an area to pay bills and answer mail. Put everything you need for these activities in the room, including a desk, stamps, stationery, and pens. Create a simple filing system and get ahead in tax preparation for next year.

7. Mediation Room – Oh to have some peace and quiet, believe it! Do not allow anything in this area that does not give you peace and quiet. Some suggested contents include a water fountain, floor cushions, candles, incense, and bells. Selected reading and audio materials will also set the mood. A serene start or end to your day, or a quick getaway to rejuvenate.

8. Room to spare, room to share: Create that media room, music room, pool room, puzzle room, card room or board game room and invite your friends over for a night of fun and hospitality.

9. Renovator Rescue: Use the empty room as a spare room to store extra furniture, etc. when you are renovating, the floor is especially difficult as you need space to move all your stuff. When all of your renovations are complete, transform your spare room into one of the suggestions above.

Often your spare room can be used for several of these purposes. So the next time you walk through that room, take a moment to think about the possibilities. Take the following steps today to give that spare room real purpose and turn it into a room that gives you a sense of fulfillment and relaxation.

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