Fill in the important details with a home alarm system

September 27, 2022 0 Comments

You can look at a home alarm system as a big picture device, but there are many smaller pieces that will take your system to another level. From the latest designs in motion sensors to the parts that can save your home from natural disasters, getting the right parts can make a world of difference. You won’t be able to use the excuse that you never heard of a flood sensor if you end up with thousands of dollars in water damage. These are the five devices you should add to your home alarm system.

1. Cold sensors. Living in a cold climate will present a number of challenges for a homeowner, not the least of which is the possibility of frozen pipes. If you are out of the house for even twenty-four hours, a faulty heating system will present a number of home hazards. Once the temperature drops below a certain point, the pipes will harden and burst. Making a cold sensor work with your home alarm system will send the alert to a monitoring service so they can address the problem.

2. Flood sensors. Houses that are located near oceans and rivers always face the possibility of flooding. Flood sensors will be the eyes you need to keep an eye on a house if you are out of town. If you own a vacation home, these devices will be even more important. Once the water levels reach a certain point, the alert will go off and you will be able to respond to the situation before facing much water damage. If you think dealing with an insurance company is worth the risk, you are taking a big risk.

3. Medical alert devices. For seniors living at home, medical alert devices should be at the top of the priority list when installing a home alarm system. These devices can be worn around a person’s wrist or neck and can be programmed to call emergency services with the push of a button. Also, installing an intercom system will facilitate communication if a fall has occurred and no one is home. Emergency operators will immediately come online to address the issue.

4. Coordination of smoke detectors. Home security experts visiting residences often marvel at the fact that smoke detectors are not programmed into an alarm system. How is such a thing possible when someone has taken the initiative to install a security system? Instead of dwelling on reasons, it’s better to make sure you switch gears and hook up smoke detectors to your security system before you regret it.

5. Window sensors. While many people start by putting their doors and windows together, the latter could be checked when the sealing is done. Just because the windows have been sealed to prevent shattering does not mean they are bulletproof. Make sure you have window sensors installed to alert your alarm system of a breach.

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