Don’t let the “Naye Sayers” steal your thunder

December 17, 2022 0 Comments

Have you ever been so excited about something that you just couldn’t seem to keep it to yourself? When I started investing in real estate; I was so excited after reading an ebook I had bought online for around $97.00. The book addressed the topic of buying real estate with ease “with no money down.” co-workers and inform them about my revolutionary plans to get rich in real estate.

Of course, they were all just as excited as I was, each indicating how diligently committed they were to my success, assuring me that if I needed any moral, emotional, educational, or financial support, they would be there for me. ?………WRONG!

I’m not sure why we do this, but for some unknown reason we feel compelled to share our ambitions with those around us, thinking that we will somehow win their approval, or perhaps their support. However, very rarely if ever it happens that way. Perhaps one of the biggest obstacles we “dreamers” face when pursuing our goals is that of peer criticism or the infamous “deniers” as I like to call them. You know who I’m talking about. It’s “they” who like to push you aside and proceed to give you 101 reasons why your ill-conceived and premature plans for success will fail miserably. Not that they have any harsh experience to back up any of these so-called “tips,” but their words still manage to take the breath away from your sales.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over the years from pursuing a multitude of ambitious projects, it’s that most people (usually within their peer group) are driven by a subconscious sense of competitiveness that makes them uncomfortable when come to someone apart from themselves trying to get by. That’s why no matter how big or small the goal, there will always be a critical position that will do everything possible to hinder your success. Don’t take it personally, it’s just a fact of life!

It’s important that we constantly train ourselves to ignore the negative energy thrown at us by these naysayers and to continue to focus on whatever our goal is, whether it’s making money, starting a home-based business, or getting a Ph.D. in astrophysics. If you really want to be successful, then I would recommend surrounding yourself with other people who have the same goals as you and who share at least as much (if not more) that same passion. The synergy this will create will give you what I like to call “the drive of a champion”, and negativity will no longer be able to control your attitude.

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