Does your family really want a dog?

May 8, 2022 0 Comments

Look at that adorable little face! Can anything warm your heart as quickly and completely as the soft little body of a puppy… any puppy? His small bodies caress directly towards you. His little eyes melt your heart in a second. Who doesn’t want a puppy? How wonderful they are! unconditional love, limitless tenderness, too adorable for words.

This article is not meant to discourage you, but to help you prepare for this new addition and make sure it is the right decision for your family. There are several things to consider when your family is considering having a puppy.

1. The first thing is that every puppy becomes a dog in 1-2 years depending on the breed. You will be up to 2 years old as a puppy and up to another 13 years or so as an adult dog. So don’t think about how one puppy will affect the family. Think about how a DOG will affect the family; a much larger dog, not as cute, probably not well trained. So before you go puppy hunting, spend some time with adult dogs of the breed you’ve chosen and see if he’s still interested.

2. The second thing to consider is the expense of having a dog. Costs will vary based on the size, breed, and health of the dog. There’s the initial cost of your new pet. A truly responsible dog owner will NOT support puppy mills. Keep an eye out for future articles on puppy mills. Suffice it to say that puppy mills exist only because people buy the puppies. No clients, no business, no torturing or abusing dogs. Then you will get your puppy from a trusted breeder or rescue shelter. There will be a cost associated with it regardless of which one you choose. Most rescue shelters charge approximately $500 regardless of race. Rescue Shelters are non-profit. This fee pays for food and veterinary bills to spay or neuter our furry friends. Occasionally dogs require surgery or other medical attention. You can see that this figure is not absolute. The purchase price from a breeder will vary depending on the breed of dog and the breeder.

Many of the costs depend on the decisions you make. Will you use a dog crate for training at home or when no one is home? What sources will you use for training; books, videos, training lessons, a combination of all three? Will you provide your pet with just a bowl on the floor or a water source that constantly circulates water to ensure your dog has fresh water at all times? You could spend up to $2,000 in your first year on essentials; license, collar, dog-walking leash (maybe a couple of different types), water bowl, food bowl, food, toys, dog bed, grooming equipment, dog crate, garden gates and fences, bills from the vet (puppies need checkups, dental checkups and shots just like your kids did), flea treatments, heartworm meds, some dogs require professional grooming every 6-8 weeks, any behavior training supplies.

After the first year, depending on the health of your dogs, you can spend anywhere from $500 to $2,500 each year on basic maintenance; again, this amount has a lot to do with the breed of dog you have chosen. This does not include additional carpet/furniture cleaning as a result of unavoidable pet “accidents.” There’s also the cost of replacing “dog-chewed” items such as children’s toys, nic nacs, shoes, purses, handbags, pillows, bedding, and other items your dog used to mischievously entertain. This also does not include medical emergencies such as your dog eating chocolate, aspirin, or other poisonous items, or any accidental injuries that may occur.

3. Next, examine your lifestyle. Dogs are incredibly social animals. Your dog, just like your children, will require a great deal of quality time. (No wonder people confuse their pets with their children. There are so many similarities.) It is irresponsible to bring a dog into the family and then leave it alone for 10 hours every day. Think about how many hours your dog will be left alone each day. Remember to include after-school or work activities like baseball, soccer, hockey, karate, ballet, tennis, overtime, etc. in his “out” time.

How many people are there in the family? How old are your children? Younger or smaller children may not be a good match with a larger, more aggressive dog.

Puppies have small bladders and need to come out every 1-2 hours; adult dogs at least 3 times a day. That’s just a “bathroom”.

Your dog will also need exercise. All dogs need exercise! Think in terms of 30 to 60 minutes each day for all dogs. Beyond that, you need to consider your specific pet for additional exercise needs. Ignoring this means your dog will get bored and may start to misbehave. How much more exercise depends on the breed. Border Collies, Jack Russells, Doberman Pinschers, Labrador Retrievers, English Springer Spaniels, Boxers, Irish Setters, and Huskies, herding dogs, to name a few, typically require at least an hour of vigorous exercise at least twice a day .

Many dogs require mental stimulation as well as physical. It’s game time and training time and it’s just as important as physical exercise. Time… time… time. If you can’t compromise on this for your dog, you’ll want to consider a breed that is less demanding. Shih Tzus, Pugs, Poodles, Basset Hounds, and Beagles require much less exercise commitment. Will your children be able to help you walk the dog every day? Will they be able to handle a large dog or maybe a smaller dog would be more suitable for your family? Or maybe this is not the right time for a dog.

I cannot stress to you how important it is to seriously consider these points before making a decision. Think of this as a decision as important as having a baby. You can’t “try it and see if it works”. If not, “oh well” and finish him off. It’s not fair to you or your family, and it’s not fair to the dog. You may be reading this and logically thinking “She’s right. I don’t have the time or the money.” But still your heart yearns for a dog. There is a solution. Offer to watch someone else’s dog while they go on vacation. If that works fine, try breeding a dog. Adoption means that you will care for a “rescued” dog until a forever home can be found. Because this is a temporary situation, once your “charge” is done, you can choose not to take any more, if you decide that having a dog is not the right thing for your family. This is a great way to “test the waters”; to see if your family is really ready for the responsibility of dog ownership. You will learn a lot about training and how to deal with dogs and at the same time you are offering a great service to our wonderful canine companions.

Remember to hug your dog today.

brigitte sinesael

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