Does technology help creativity?

November 16, 2022 0 Comments

Technology will be a hindrance to creativity until its potential is harnessed. The more we use the power of technology, the more creative we become. When we see a screen, a mobile, a tablet or a computer, we need to see it as a means of creative expression.

Research has shown that everyone is born with creative powers, some are creatively active and others hold creativity latent. The creative potential in our lives is immense and we need to bring it out. A question that crosses the mind most of the time is, how to do it? In this age of technology, it’s much easier to keep your creativity intact and moving.

Education system

The restricted education system prevents students from thinking creatively, leading to assembly line workers instead of intellectually creative individuals. To address this situation, the need of the hour is to bring creativity back to the classroom and use technology to enhance it.

With technology’s ability to transcend time and space, students have more opportunities to produce creative assignments and projects in a flash. As higher education institutions encourage the use of technology in the classroom, many educators are supporting the creative minds of students. Several universities are turning to ICT (information and communication technology) to combine technology and creativity for their students.

Creativity, Technology and Students

Technology has given engineering students the opportunity to be creative and innovative. Currents like robotics have given students to play and create something more human. For these students, using technology and creativity is career readiness.

For media students, teachers are providing more opportunities and freedom to create and design assignments. The animation and gaming industry is driven by technology and creativity. Students in this industry rely on technology and programming to create new games and innovative solutions in everyday life. In the media industry, technology is used creatively to bring news, viewpoints, and events to different platforms. Creativity and technology are inseparable when it comes to film, animation, and the media industry.

Newage social media also encourages creativity among gen x students. On platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Tumblr, students are creating resources and information that can be accessed globally with the help of technology and creativity. Students can collaborate with like-minded people around the world and participate in online discussions on various topics and generate creative results.

As we approach the new millennium, students are using technology to expand creativity inside and outside of the classroom. It’s like using both sides of our brain to advance technology and enhance our creativity.

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