Cut years off how you look with the right exercise

May 19, 2023 0 Comments

At some point in our history, wrinkles were considered a good thing, as they showed that you were mature, wise, and experienced in many life skills. However, our current culture views wrinkles in a completely different light. So different, in fact, that we do everything we can to get rid of them and any other signs of aging. We want to keep our youth as long as possible, and if we can get some of it back, even better.

That is one of the many reasons that people are beginning to realize that the number one way to achieve this and stay and look younger is with proper exercise and a healthier diet. And with all this effort to keep our bodies young and fit, it makes sense that we expect our faces to look young too.

As we reach our 30s and beyond, the proteins that provide elasticity and firmness to our skin slow down and the cells in and under our skin become less active and practically “go to sleep.” Our skin becomes drier, looser, less flexible and begins to show signs of wrinkles and sagging.

Usually when we think of exercise, we get images of toned muscles, firm thighs, and weight loss. We don’t typically think of exercise as having much of an anti-aging benefit for our facial skin, but it does play an important role in keeping your skin looking youthful and healthy.

We’ve known about the many health benefits of a proper strength training program for decades, but often don’t realize that it also has beneficial effects on our largest organ: our skin, which also includes our face. Firming and toning the muscles under previously sagging and loose skin will always create a firmer, more toned appearance.

Every time you do a strengthening exercise, not only are you working the target muscle group, but all other muscles are strengthening against resistance to hold you in position while doing it. Even the muscles of the face contract to help keep the body stable. This also effectively tones those muscles, so every time you train, your facial muscles also train.

In fact, you’re giving yourself a mini facelift that firms and tones the muscles that lift, tighten, and tighten the skin that those muscles also attach to. A two-for-one deal: smooth wrinkles so they become less noticeable and slow the rate of skin ageing. And of course, when you exercise you are stimulating circulation, which improves the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to skin cells, making them healthier.

When you work the muscles in your body, there is another benefit and that is detoxification which flushes out potentially destructive poisons from the chemicals that surround us in our modern world and find their way into our bodies and cells. As the cells cleanse, they become more active and ‘alive’ and are better able to do their job, making you look more vibrant and youthful.

The sooner you start your exercise program, the better you can fight and prepare for the aging process ahead. Although your skin will continue to age, you can do a lot to keep it looking youthful, from the inside out, where it really counts.

We all know the health benefits of proper exercise: it makes you stronger, fitter and more flexible, improving strength, stamina, stamina, balance and energy. So no matter how old you are or how appropriate you look, exercise will take years off of you and make you younger, period.

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