Church Marketing – Top 10 Items to Include in Your Church Welcome Package!

July 23, 2023 0 Comments

So you put together a marketing plan, even got a budget that didn’t have a “minimum mode” associated with it, ran your campaign, and guess what? It all came together. People have started to flow to his church. And if you’ve read my previous articles, you’re saying you’re done and warmly shaking hands with others, as these folks are on their way to becoming regular visitors and maybe even members. Your work is done… almost!

Let’s face it, the job of marketing is never done, but there is one thing you need to think about before the job of the marketing team is considered done. And that’s a nice welcome pack.

Why have welcome packs?

A welcome packet can be a marketing tool to provide new visitors with information about your church, its doctrine or belief, and some of the ministries or activities that take place there. It gives the guest something to review when they have left the church and have some time to reflect.

There are several goals to ensure your guests receive a welcome pack when they visit:

* Make them feel welcome! You want to express your appreciation for allowing them to share and also indicate that they are welcome to come back.

* Understand its structure. One of the reasons visitors come is to learn something about your church. How is it organized? What sets you apart from the other churches in the area. Welcome packs can do that.

* Get familiar with their worship style (is it more singing than they would like?) and the beliefs of the church.

* Review calendar of activities. Visitors want to know the upcoming schedule of events and times for ministry meetings.

What should go in the package?

While there is no absolute list of must-haves, here are a few ideas that will help make a great impression and give guests a reason to return:

1. Video or DVD from your organization

– It could be a video tour of the entire grounds or maybe just a 30 second clip telling about each ministry in the church. Maybe it’s the vision of where you want to go.

2. Fridge magnets

Looking for an inexpensive marketing tool that has long-term staying power? This may be better than you think! According to a Purdue University study, the average American visits their refrigerator 22 times a day. What else could you get that is going to get so much exposure? And oddly enough, even if people don’t like them, they tend to put them in their fridges.

3. Letter of Greeting from the Minister

Perhaps a personalized message with an invitation to come back the following week. Studies have found that a personal interaction with the Minister can have a dramatically positive effect on whether someone returns to or makes a home from church. (Then don’t forget to have the Minister make a personal phone call to follow up next week either!)

4. Information about your church’s membership process.

Some visitors are ready to become members from day one. They may have recently moved and want to keep their denominational affiliation intact. Others just feel good and know when they found their new home in the church. It takes away the discomfort of having to ask.

5. Invitation for online survey.

A quick survey of a visitor’s experience at the church is good. But they may feel uncomfortable completing one at church, especially if they are the only guests that day. Online surveys give you an easy way to find out what things are really like, since they are truly anonymous.

6. Audio recording

It could be a recent Sunday message or maybe something else like an invitation. Keep in mind that we are at least a CD world. The tapes are dead. Podcasts or downloads are a great way to drive them to your website.

7. Information brochure

– General information about the church and its ministries (if you can’t make a video or want to cover your bases). You could also include a brief history of the church, or the denomination if considered important.

8. Events calendar

Public event announcement flyers such as fall festivals, holiday programs, etc.

9. Coupons!

A coupon to give to the church bookstore or website as a token of appreciation or discount. I love the coupon that entitles the user to a free cup of coffee with the minister!

10 Tote bags or bookmarks

Both have become very affordable and help keep your church top of mind with guests. Be sure to include your website address on these!

While these are not all-inclusive, they do make a favorable impression on any church guest. A good welcome pack can make all the difference if a visitor comes back for a second look. It can provide the answers to some of the questions that arise after you have left the church. Of course, nothing beats a personal note or phone call from the minister.

How are they distributed?

Don’t leave it to chance whether or not a visitor receives a welcome packet. While my experience has been from having to find them myself or being told to pick one up on the way out, anything short of hand-delivering one to me misses part of the purpose of the welcome pack…to make me feel welcome. Make sure your church doesn’t make that mistake!

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