Candidiasis of the penis: the 2 best medicines for candidiasis of the penis, do they really work?

October 2, 2022 0 Comments

Candidiasis of the penis is a problem that many men suffer from, but that very few talk about. Why? Because it’s a scary thing to find when you first notice it. Most men first think that they have contracted an STD, but for those who are familiar with this problem, it becomes a more embarrassing subject.

Due to fear and embarrassment, the boys try a “do it yourself” approach to alleviate this problem. Most of the time, the first step men take is to go to the pharmacy and buy an antifungal cream. When that doesn’t work the way they think, they go to the doctor and write prescriptions. These prescriptions eventually turn into more prescriptions and higher doses that make the situation even worse.

So what are the 3 best penile yeast medications? And do they even work?

First medication – Antifungal creams:

Antifungal creams work very well to reduce inflammation, pain, redness, and blistering skin. But they are horrible for long-term success. The three best topical treatments for penile yeast infections are Lotrimin, Monistat (yes, men can use it too), and Canesten. Basically, anything that contains the ingredient “clotrimazole” will work for skin problems associated with candidiasis.

The problem with topical creams is that they are just that; current. They do nothing to address the root causes of thrush and candida. Did you know that Candida is associated with a poor immune system, diabetes, fatigue, depression and mood swings, hip and knee pain, joint pain, and digestive pain, just to name a few issues? How is a topical cream going to cure a problem that has all these internal problems?

Liquid or powdered vitamin C in doses of 2000 mg for a week, along with a strict hygiene routine by keeping the groin area clean and dry with a fragrance-free soap such as Cetaphil, will give better results than cream spread for weeks.

Second Medication – Antibiotics:

Do antibiotics work? Yes! Do they work well? Nope! antibiotics are like the carpet bombing option of the medical world. Sure some poor villagers are wiped out, but the target was also hit in the process.

Antibiotics destroy the good bacteria around and on the penis that actually control the spread of candida-related bacteria. By destroying the good bacteria, you are actually only allowing the bad bacteria to take over and colonize the area.

Some of the main antibiotics for yeast infection of the penis are: Diflucan, Levequin and Augmentin. In many cases, antibiotics have been the sole cause of recurrent and chronic thrush. More specifically, it was recently discovered that they are significantly related to the creation of oral thrush in patients as a side effect.

So do antibiotics work? Yes. Do they work well? Nope.

So what can be done instead?

Natural methods are recommended more than antibiotics. Why? Because natural methods, while not all effective, are at least safe and will not cause yeast infection to multiply or spread.

Penile yeast infections, in particular, benefit best from natural methods because you don’t want to mess around with that area and make things worse. Most of the time, people who get yeast infection of the penis are uncircumcised men.

The reason this is important is because many of the bad bacteria associated with candida will live under the foreskin. Ultimately, this comes down to a hygiene issue. If you don’t currently have a yeast infection on your penis and you’re not circumcised, consider yourself lucky and do your best to keep that area clean at all times, especially after intercourse or urination.

For men already suffering from penile thrush, there are a few things that can be done naturally and safely to relieve much of the pain and will set you on the right path to getting rid of penile thrush for good.

First, get pH strips from the pharmacy and check your levels. If you have a pH below 7, then it is important to start a high alkaline, low acid diet. This can be done through the diet or by using alkaline drops put into distilled water.

Second, you can also try 2 tablespoons of organic, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (with the “mother”), mixed with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. Drinking this concoction once or twice a day will begin to regulate your Ph levels and begin to eradicate candida at its root.

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