Biotin and hair loss: the wonder vitamin for your hair?

June 3, 2023 0 Comments

Biotin is primarily a component of the B vitamin; People undergoing treatment with medications such as Minoxidil and other hair loss medications (Propecia) generally require additional biotin supplementation for optimal results. The following brings us to the question of what exactly is biotin and its role in hair loss or spread.

Biotin and hair loss: what you need to know

Biotin is primarily what makes up hair and nails; this vitamin is not manufactured in the human body; instead, it is received through the consumption of foods such as peas, egg yolks, nuts (particularly walnuts), soybeans, canisters, brown rice, etc.

A little known fact is that biotin and proteins bind very easily. When this happens, it fails to reach the destination of the hair and therefore hair loss will increase. Consequently, it would be best to avoid all different types of protein powders and raw eggs.

The good news is that you can deliver biotin to your hair in ways other than ingestion and/or injections. You could use biotin-containing shampoos and you would get pretty much the same end results you would have if you had tried taking biotin orally. This is how a person can prove the connection between biotin and hair loss.

There are cases where, regardless of all possible recommendations and treatments, biotin does not seem to be well absorbed through the blood. When many studies have been taken, they have highlighted a problem between biotin and hair loss; some people were found to be unable to absorb any amount of biotin. In further investigation of biotin and hair loss, it was found very clearly that people who have type A blood cannot absorb this type of vitamin.

The solution is that those with type A blood should not take extra doses of biotin. The optimal intake for these types of people would be five to eight grams per day. Fortunately, there are few or no side effects, within the recommended intake limits. The biotin and hair loss equation can also be disrupted when a person uses medications for heartburn and/or acid reflux.

Other than the above, there is nothing that is likely to prevent biotin from working efficiently to restore hair growth in people suffering from hair loss. People who need this type of vitamin can obtain it both in the form of pills (vitamin supplements) and through vegetables and fruits that are very rich in B vitamins. The connection between biotin and hair loss has been distinguished well enough enough to be used as a natural remedy.

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