As a conscious entrepreneur, what do you really want from your business?

June 13, 2021 0 Comments

If you are a conscientious entrepreneur, you likely want to express yourself, make a difference in some way, and conduct business in a way that is consistent with your values. And of course you want me to make money. Let’s dive into that a bit: how much?

Actually eliminate that question because anyone interested in business and personal growth has been to a seminar or read books that say you need to feel worthy, aim high, feel like anything is possible, and cite large numbers.

So let me rephrase the question: Would you be happier if:

o you made a lot of money and put a lot of energy into your business, or
or he earned enough to give him security and a little freedom, and he had a lot more free time.

Yes, this is the old “work hard” paradigm that is not necessarily true. You could work like the devil and still go broke, or do really well in a few hours of work a week. And I haven’t even addressed the concepts of the Law of Attraction and the Science of Getting Rich.

I thought it would be a useful starting point to discover your true current feelings rather than the belief that you know you “should” have if you are an evolved person.

So if you were doomed to live in a magical realm where the old paradigm of hard work couldn’t be broken, what kind of life would you want? Some people love what they do so much that it is no sacrifice to put tons of hours and energy into their work. Others became entrepreneurs because they felt unemployed or could not find a work environment that suited them, so they decided to create their own. What is your truth

Make sure to let your actual answer come up. After all, no one will listen to you, and how can you begin to make decisions about your business if you are not part of your deepest truth?

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