Android Instant Apps: Unleashing the Prominent Future of Mobile Apps

January 15, 2023 0 Comments

Google, the biggest tech giant, has introduced Android Instant Apps, the newest approach to running Android apps without installing them. To describe it in simple terms, it’s just a new feature that will allow users to open and use an app simply by clicking the referral link without having to download it. Android instant apps were pointed out by experts as the lightweight versions of the original native apps. While the key purpose of introducing such a version is to help users access exclusive mobile apps directly from social sites, deep linking, messaging, and web search. By tapping on the link, users are redirected to the mobile web space, where they can access all of the app’s features. Therefore, in the world of convenience, these plug-and-play versions open up new opportunities for companies to expand their user base. It is extremely convenient for users to run mobile apps without worrying about the installation process, memory space, etc. This is the view why students should consider Android Instant Apps for their business.

Improve user experience

One can clearly see that Instant Apps is a great way to run Android apps with minimal friction. While they will bridge the gap between native and web apps, users will gain a faster and smoother on-board experience. Businesses can reach a large number of users by not requiring them to go through the hassles of installation. Therefore, instant apps are suitable for single-purpose applications like bill payments, checking travel schedules and shopping, etc.

Save space in phone memory

The best thing about the Instant version that will make it preferable to users is that it does not consume space in the internal memory of Android devices. This gives an added advantage to mobile learners as they can easily attract more target audiences to use their apps. Its instant version allows users to launch it instantly, use any particular function without consuming memory space.

More visibility and downloads

With snap mobile apps, it becomes quite simple for the users to know if it is good or not. While one of the biggest challenges for marketers is to force the target segment to buy and install your app. Instant versions that work as both an app and a web page come with more visibility in web search. Users could view them while searching for something relevant on the web and run it directly on their devices. Thus, such apps have more chances to be downloaded as lured users will eventually seek to install the real and full version upon learning about its functionality.

Less emphasis on application analytics

With instant apps, businesses no longer need to track detailed analytics like number of downloads, session time, or store rankings. All they need is to deliver engaging user experiences, drive traffic from external sources, and increase user retention. The convenience of use and random participation automatically attracts more users and engages them with the application.

With no installation required, Android Instant Apps will definitely bring an exemplary app experience to the users. Also, the charm is that they are based on conventional Android APIs and source code. So there is absolutely no need to create a separate app to support the instant version, just update the existing one.

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