Aging Skin Care – Eliminate Wrinkles, Lines and Crow’s Feet as you age

June 26, 2023 0 Comments

Skin care is all about aging. Nobody thinks about skin care when they are 16 years old. But for those who age slowly, skin care is a major issue. When you hit 40 or 50 you start to think about skin care like you never did when you were young.

Because as we get older, our skin loses the healthy glow it had when we were young. We start to see those wrinkles, fine lines, and crow’s feet around the eyes and mouth. Perhaps our skin is sagging more than ever, and it just doesn’t have that healthy complexion like it used to. If declining skin health is a factor in aging, skin care products that help combat those factors will help reverse it.

Why does our skin start to lose its healthy glow as we age? Why does our face look like a road map when we hit 50? Is there anything we can do to promote better care for aging skin?

The causes of deteriorating skin health with aging are well known. As we age, our skin loses some of its important proteins like collagen and elastin. Our skin begins to thin and its ability to retain moisture is gradually reduced.

That’s why we get those wrinkles, lines, and that dry paper look on our face.

Because collagen and elastin help hold the skin together. They are extremely strong proteins that exist throughout our bodies and are responsible for much of our skin’s strength and elasticity. When you were young, you could pinch a piece of your skin, pull and release, and it would snap back into place. With aging you find that the snap back just doesn’t break like it used to. Your skin has lost some of its strength and elasticity, and the force of gravity begins to take over and create those wrinkles.

Without that strength and elasticity, your skin will sag as gravity catches up with it.

And it doesn’t retain moisture like it used to. It feels more like paper, it looks dry. You need high-quality aging skin care solutions. There is some?

Please note that I said high quality aging skin care solutions, with an emphasis on high quality. There are many skin care products on the market, but if you are rating skin care products, how many of them would rate as high quality? Unfortunately not too many.

Most of the big brands of aging skin care and anti aging products on the market are built on price rather than quality. This is volume sales created by saturation TV advertising, and most of the budget goes to advertising, not quality skin care products. And they sell big, which is why the big skin care brands and anti-aging companies that make them are doing very well.

They don’t sell because they work very well, they sell because television advertising works very well.

The good news is that if you are looking for high-quality aging skin care products, they are available. However, you will not find them in your local stores. They are made by small, niche skincare companies that thrive not off the saturation of TV advertising, but on manufacturing premium-quality aging skincare products. They compete with the big brands in quality.

Because they don’t spend a lot on marketing, they have a lot more money to spend on quality product ingredients and research, so they make anti-aging products with better active ingredients and that work much better. And they also compete on price, because TV advertising costs a lot, so small skin care companies that don’t advertise can save money on advertising and sell cost- and quality-competitive skin care products.

So if you are starting to feel the aging process, skin care is a priority for you. But avoid those big brand skin care products in stores, they really don’t do much. The best aging skin care products are made by small skin care companies that aren’t household names, and you’ll never see them advertised on TV.

Find out more on my website.

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