A look at fall flower bulbs

September 12, 2021 0 Comments

Most people would think of fall as a season when trees change color and die. For many, the fall leaves are our last dance of color before dark gray winter arrives. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Fall flowers can offer a touch of rebirth and color in a season known for falling leaves.

Bulbs are living plants and contain their own food storage. They are quite self-sufficient and will strive to flourish, no matter when or where they are planted. Fall flower bulbs are planted in spring or summer and bloom in early fall. Some examples are lilacs, colchicums, and saffron saffron. Colchicums are extremely unusual in that they will flower without being planted, although they do need soil to develop roots.

When selecting fall flower bulbs, you should look for bulbs that are firm and free of visible defects. If you want large flowers, buy large bulbs. Small bulbs will produce smaller flowers.

Most fall flower bulbs cannot survive winter. These should be dug up each fall and stored until planting time. The bulbs should be stored in a cool, dry place. A dry basement is ideal. If you don’t have a basement, a dark unheated closet or laundry room will work too.

For individual planting instructions, use your package. Most bulbs grow best in loose, well-drained soil. Stagnant water or excessively moist soil will cause the bulbs to rot. Don’t plant bulbs at the foot of a hill.

The bulbs should be planted six to eight inches into the ground. Cover and pack tightly. After planting, water the bulbs well. Water them occasionally and they should flower in early fall.

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