The Role of Big Data in Content Writing

July 27, 2021 0 Comments

Did you know that most of the information you consume now was created in the last two years? In the next two years, about 1.7 megabytes of information will be generated per second for every human being in the world. That’s great for content writing services that take this huge amount of data (called big data) to create compelling content. And when relevant content increases your site traffic, more advertising opportunities arise. In turn, content writers contribute to this enormous amount of information.

But when big data brings in the numbers, content writers sometimes get carried away by the desire to attend to how algorithms increase their click-through rates rather than bring in really engaging content (which also creates traffic and increases CTR). The purpose of content writing is to promote a product or service with relevant and engaging content. Sounds easy enough, right? Most of the time, original content is hard to come by.

Here’s how big data can help generate topics for content writing.

1. Comparing statistics can generate new information

Big data includes information that can be used for analysis.

Online dating site OKCupid, for example, used five-year data to analyze the link between race and attraction, the dating preferences of men and women, and how they have changed over time. The data served as information for further analysis and was a good attempt to understand the preferential profile of the users. Content-wise, everything checks out – you presented new (possibly interesting) information, opened the doors to new discussions about racial preference in dating, while also being able to promote your service.

2. Big Data lets you know which audience to target with your content

When you find your voice as a content writer, you can use segmentation to find your target audience through demographics such as age, gender, ethnicity, employment status, education, income, location, and interests. With this information, the content you produce serves you and the consumer as a two-way street. You can better understand your customers and respond to their needs, while your target consumers will know about your products or services and are more likely to respond to you than when you direct your articles to anyone.

3. Big Data helps you create a human profile

Large volumes of data can help your site’s SEO, but remember that at the end of the day, the content you generate isn’t for machines, it’s for people. As in the previous issue, you can use statistics to create a profile of your target audience. Turning information into a human can help you communicate issues more clearly with your audience, who are in fact human.

4. A collection of big data generates new insights

Content writing itself is challenging, even more so when you’re trying to make it interactive for your readers. Since data commonly originates from three main sources on the Internet (streaming, social media, and publicly available sources), asking your readers for opinions or comments can help generate more information and even generate other ideas for content, while remaining true to its content. marketing strategies.

Big data has changed our information gathering world for better or for worse. However, we can be sure that this helps marketers with content writing. If you want to invest in content writing but don’t know how to make it work for your business, there are content writing services that can help you with your needs.

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